Saturday, May 19, 2012

symptoms and curses


 Exercise 2_ moon light 


  1. Good job on the sunlit cube. I can see that you are thinking about how light behaves. I would still push the warmth and the saturation in the red and really blow out the white stripes on the top face of the cube.

    Your night time one is less successful. It's hard for me to tell the local color of the cube. It's a common mistake to desaturate the local color in overcast or night time scenes but there is actually still plenty of saturated local color left. So you would need to bring the local color back. The shadow side seems a bit bright to me too. Good job on the checkerboard though.

    Now transfer this knowledge to your paintings. Really think about the direction of light and how it affects the elements in the picture. In the daytime piece you have a ray of light but the elements in the picture are not casting any shadows. In the night time piece I can't really tell where the light is coming from. The guy has a rim light on the right but the tree in the foreground has a rim light on the left. Also the ground is mostly dark even if the guy has a rim light all the way to his feet. So I would expect the ground to be catching a bit of the moonlight.

    Looking at the cubes I can see that you understand way more than you show in your paintings. So I think if you spend a bit more time thinking about light direction and light behavior before you start painting you could improve your paintings tremendously. keep it up

  2. I took your advice and I re-did the cubes and hopefully this time I'll be more successful.I had a really hard time doing the first moon light cube,I think its because I was trying to take into account so many factors like how does the moon light mix with the red,is red less saturated at night, is moon light more defused than sun light? how defused and how saturated are the shadows? how intense is moon light? I think my brain was over thinking it.

    Doing the cube exercise has definitely made me think of how light behaves, and now I will give more thought as to how it works before I start painting. I really struggle with painting scenery and placing objects in space, atmospheric perspective, (and perspective in general) so sometimes I feel that I over think things and everything becomes mushy. I will try to be more thoughtful and slow down when I paint.

    Again,thank you so much for the advice I really really really (really!!) appreciate the help!
